Monday, December 23, 2002

We also had the multitude of Christmas gatherings and parties in the kids school, so that added on to our hectic schedule. I managed to make Macaroons and Rum Balls on Saturday night. Today, will be Chocolate Peanut Butter Thumbprint cookies and the start of my parfait pie. Tomorrow, I will prepare 3 lbs. of fresh green beans for Wednesday.

John and Johnny went to help with the Special Olympics on Saturday, and had a wonderful time. Johnny helped them make crafts and my husband was a *chef* (hot dogs and french fries, LOL). They both witnessed some heartwarming things and made them feel REALLY good about helping others in the holiday season. Sunday, Stephanie, the rest of the Brownies, and I caroled for senior citizens living in an assisted living facility, and I don't think we could have made them any happier. The feeling of spreading joy to others is WONDERFUL.

Today, I will do the touchups on the house and hopefully wrap the rest of the presents. Last night, my son slept on the couch, as he was throwing up most of the day, so that put a kabosh on the wrapping plans I had last night.

I hope you and yours are doing most splendidly :-)
Besides Stephanie, I think the majority of us got through my dad's anniversary okay......he is truly missed, but after hearing about what other people are going through, it makes you realize that things could be worse.
Wow......what a week it has been. First, on Tuesday, we find out that John's college roommate, who he lived with all 4 years was found dead (by an apparent heart attack on the previous Saturday afternoon) John and I went to the wake and he was very upset by someone his age dying from a sudden thing like that.

Then, on Thursday, there was a news bulletin on the online version of the paper that stated that a off-duty officer's car had veered off Rt. 80 and crashed......imagine my horror when I realized that the officer was the husband of a childhood dancing friend of mine. We haven't danced together in about 4 years, but my mom sees her frequently, and we run into her at the local carnival each summer. I attended that wake last night. After waiting about 35 minutes in the cold, while various fire departments and police departments had *priority*, we were herded past the casket to Jackie, his wife, and his family, who were all in a receiving line. Oh, the feeling was absolutely horrible.......and to see the little flowers that had a Daddy banner on it... I think we talked more to her parents, as Jackie was just wiped out. There were only about 10 chairs in the whole place for immediate family, and you were herded back out when you were done paying respects. All I could think about for the past 48 hours, and all last night while trying to go to sleep was how Jackie can deal with this, and her two young children.....I feel horrible that I am trying to strengthen our friendship because of this, but it's one of those things that once people start having families and moving out of a close radius, we get lazy and stop initiating contact.....again, out of pure laziness......I want to help her so badly, whether it's watching her kids so she can do errands, or whatever.... There are road closures all over the town today, in anticipation for a LARGE turnout for the actual funeral. I can't even imagine telling my 4 year old that daddy went to work, and is never coming home.....

Then, yesterday, we were told that John's great uncle has passed away.......he was 84 and was diagnosed with cancer about 18 months ago.....there will be a memorial service on Saturday night. John was remembering him fondly yesterday.

I guess that is our *3* that death comes in.....

Friday, December 20, 2002

It's been one year today, Dad, and not a day goes by that you aren't thought of in some way......

Thanks for watching over us and guiding us, until we meet again...

Friday, December 06, 2002

Woohoo...The 12 Days of Cookies is back!!! I'm sure I'll be making the macaroons in the next 2, I might go back to last year's choices......there were milano cookies that I might attempt this year, plus I remember the crescent cookies being a hit.

I bought my daughter a winter dress coat today and my husband can't understand why she needs it.......besides the warmness factor, I think she would look quite silly in her long dress and waist length was only $34.98 on sale.......quite a bargain.....

What else.......I hope the weather and surroundings stay cold and white.....I want to go sledding at my mom's house on Sunday. She has quite a hill in the backyard, that the kids will LOVE. Last year, we didn't have these snow tubes, that we got this year, and we will go FLYING if we use these Sunday!!

Maybe John will get the tree tomorrow, and I can decorate on Monday.......he says he doesn't like listening to Christmas music without a tree, LOL

Alright, that's about all......gonna go to sleep........I've been quite enjoying it as of late, LOL!!
Waah.....they couldn't tell the sex of my future nieces/ might have been a boy......but that's alright, she has another sonogram in 3 weeks, LOL

Thursday, December 05, 2002

Well......according to the tv, we got 9" of snow......they first predicted that amount, then lowered it, then raised it, LOL.

Wednesday, December 04, 2002

I am so totally feeling overwhelmed by Christmas........and it has nothing to due with the meaning of Christmas, but what I feel is society's expectations......ya know.....the clean house, decorated, baking cookies, gifts for all and then some, parties in school, parties in work, etc..etc..etc.. AY YI YI

I also still feel overwhelmed by all the toys the kids already have!!! I swear, I am cleaning out their stuff constantly and NOTHING is disappearing!!! GRRR

Another thing annoying me......being right.......even when the outcome was NOT what I had wanted......just the same ol' same ol' PTA nonsense/fallout and I knew how certain people were gonna react, and of course, they are being true to form and SELFISH!! LOL

I can't wait until tomorrow......I'll find out if I am having 2 nieces, 2 nephew or one of each........ I am thinking there is at least one girl in SIL thinks 2 girls.......most of the times, LOL

Oh, and I wonder if we'll see anywhere close to the amount of snow they are forecasting?? About 5-8" here, but 8+" by some of my friends down there in the South Jersey area.....

Monday, December 02, 2002

I searched my archives......need a good cry, go here

Exactly one year ago today...... ::sigh:: has hit me.....I totally know what is wrong......and it's totally understandable.

Although my father was dying last Christmas season, and we buried him on Christmas Eve, he was here. Practically comatose and a skeleton, but aware of us, and slowly declining, day by day.....I sorta don't remember how I felt, the weeks, days, leading up to his death.....I remember being in a fog.....

I went to put my Christmas music in my stereo today, and there was his picture... and it was then that I realized that he is not here and won't ever be again....... Yes, I already knew that, but as I hear all these Christmas songs, particularly the first one that came on...Grown Up Christmas List sung by Natalie Cole, I realized that I am hearing the lyrics with a whole new light.

I just feel like I need a good cry. We've sorta been doing things, for I say the past 9 months with almost avoiding doing things that remind me of him, and when he pops into my head, I tear up......

I think I am to have a good cry soon.......I feel it building up......just keep me in your thoughts, and hug your loved ones more time.....

Sunday, December 01, 2002

My sister and I had a WONDERFUL day. We both ate Surf & Turf for dinner, and I had some kind of Lady Godiva Mousse for dessert. We got to the show and TRULY enjoyed Twyla Tharp's choreography and how they made Billy Joel's songs work into a story.....Great NYC day......(well, except for the bitter wind, LOL)
Yeah, so I've been a bit busy and blogging is the last thought on my mind, LOL

Our PTA president resigned, as she took a job, and well.......that's the "official" word ;-)

We've had school visitations and conferences, which went superbly (ha, that word looks quite funny). We've had one snow day already, the day before Thanksgiving. We had a good Thanksgiving, despite it being the first one my father was gone from. Well.....he wasn't at the table last year, due to being hospitalized the day before with a blood clot, but at least we could visit him. The loss didn't seem as bad, as we didn't eat at my mom's, but her cousin's and 3 out of my mom's 4 cousins in that family came with their families. We hadn't all been together like that, it at least 15 years. Easter has been the only holiday that we have celebrated, so far, at my mom's without him. I am doing Christmas this year, at my house (a first), and we will definitely notice his missing physical presence.

Today, my sister and I will brave the chilly winds and hit Manhattan to see Movin' Out. I think we are also going to eat at Broadway Joe's.

Depending on what the sale flyers look like, I will finish my Christmas shopping, hopefully, either Monday or Wednesday, and I think I will decorate the house, minus the tree on Tuesday.

John went hunting on Thanksgiving morning, and got his first real kill. Two pheasants that we ate for dinner on Friday. He was SO excited. Now, tonight, he is leaving for opening day of buck season in PA, and is ready to freeze his tookus off. Normally, during this annual event, they see 5,000 does and no bucks, so, we shall soon see if this year is any different.

I also need to redesign here......or find last year's Christmas template......LOL

Stay warm and holiday-like and I shall check in soon :-)