Sunday, December 01, 2002

Yeah, so I've been a bit busy and blogging is the last thought on my mind, LOL

Our PTA president resigned, as she took a job, and well.......that's the "official" word ;-)

We've had school visitations and conferences, which went superbly (ha, that word looks quite funny). We've had one snow day already, the day before Thanksgiving. We had a good Thanksgiving, despite it being the first one my father was gone from. Well.....he wasn't at the table last year, due to being hospitalized the day before with a blood clot, but at least we could visit him. The loss didn't seem as bad, as we didn't eat at my mom's, but her cousin's and 3 out of my mom's 4 cousins in that family came with their families. We hadn't all been together like that, it at least 15 years. Easter has been the only holiday that we have celebrated, so far, at my mom's without him. I am doing Christmas this year, at my house (a first), and we will definitely notice his missing physical presence.

Today, my sister and I will brave the chilly winds and hit Manhattan to see Movin' Out. I think we are also going to eat at Broadway Joe's.

Depending on what the sale flyers look like, I will finish my Christmas shopping, hopefully, either Monday or Wednesday, and I think I will decorate the house, minus the tree on Tuesday.

John went hunting on Thanksgiving morning, and got his first real kill. Two pheasants that we ate for dinner on Friday. He was SO excited. Now, tonight, he is leaving for opening day of buck season in PA, and is ready to freeze his tookus off. Normally, during this annual event, they see 5,000 does and no bucks, so, we shall soon see if this year is any different.

I also need to redesign here......or find last year's Christmas template......LOL

Stay warm and holiday-like and I shall check in soon :-)


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