Wednesday, January 29, 2003 your uncle, who is an orthodontist replies to your email, and changes the subject title to that a good thing?? LOL

Thursday, January 23, 2003

The other two had their appointments yesterday.......all is well, all over the board for them.

Tommy was 50% in height and weight; 3'7" and 41.5 lbs (He is the shortest and heaviest at this age..not by much)

Stephanie is 75% in height and weight; 4'2" and 54.5 lbs (Steffi (7 1/2) is a tad taller than I was, since I was 4'2" at 8, but I weighed 59lbs)

Johnny is 75% in height and a bit under 50% for weight; 4'5.5" and 60 lbs
(Compared to Johnny, at the same age, I was 4'6" and 65.5 lbs, and I always thought "I" was skinny!)

Tuesday, January 21, 2003

Well, Tommy made it through his 3 shots......the poor kid. He was allowed to scream "ouch" when the doctor counted to three, for as long and as loud as he wanted......

First problem, 2nd problem (now he is watching this as well.......even though I tried to get him to turn away) on to the 3rd shot, which was not a quick prick, but had more stuff going into him, so that one really hurt him and he cried, but he soon stopped when the doctor said something funny.

We have to watch the hearing in his left ear, as he is borderline normal, falling to the low side......I always said that I thought his hearing was less than okay, and unfortunately his first hearing test confirmed my feelings.

Monday, January 20, 2003

Family Dental Day today......just love having kids 18 months apart who both need ortho consults at the same time.... I saw it coming, but John still refuses to believe me......good thing his uncle is an orthodontist, even if he is 5 hours away.....

Good news is that we sealed 7 permanent teeth and there were no cavities for the four of us who had appointments today.

Tomorrow Tommy gets his 5 yr. checkup and kindergarten shots :-( On Wednesday, John and Steffi will get their physicals, as well.....

Other than that......been thinking of DL and the girls all day..... (((((((HUGS)))))))

Saturday, January 18, 2003

Unfortunately, DL has updated us, and things are not good......

Please send all the prayers you can for her and his family to have the strength they need at this time of their lives. Give DL the knowledge and the memories of the love and help her be a strong mama to their girls. heart is out for you, Patrick and the girls.......hope to see some positive updates got a LOT of people pulling for you!!!

Thursday, January 16, 2003

OH MY GOODNESS...........that movie was were right Denise!!

I love that I had no clue about it either, before we went......

The movie theater seats were SO uncomfortable though, so after the 2.5 hour movie, we decided to bag on the drinks and smoky atmosphere and come home to sleep.

I am SO excited......most of my friends have been joining Jazzercise, and tomorrow, two more of them will come and try out Body Sculpting!! now I need to sleep


Wednesday, January 15, 2003

ARGH......women suck!!! and this time I am talking about IRL!! LOL

Either I have to stop volunteering, or take on everything myself for incompetent people!

Good news......must focus on the good :-) Anyway.....I should be going to see Catch Me If You Can tomorrow..... Other than knowing who is starring in it, I have NO idea what the movie is about. I like going into movies with a fresh, clean mind and being surprised at every turn.

Other than that, nothing earth-shattering going some Family Game Nights at school happening, the Raingutter Regatta for Cub Scouts, yearly physicals and dental checkups for the kids, and all the other same ol', same ol'.

Saturday, January 11, 2003

One of the reasons that I never skied and am very hesitant for my kids to learn at Ski Club through school.......

How sad :-(
Welcome to a new that I have all these hits, I better get to blogging.

But.....sorry to is a lazy Saturday, so I'll throw another log in the fire and go take a shower and change into some comfy sweats. I am so excited.....this is one of a very few weekends that we don't have anything to do.....

Hey....girl scout cookie sales started today, however. Let me know if you want any!! :-)

Have a good weekend!

Friday, January 10, 2003

The blog title has been changed from Reality of the Web to Exposed.......

Did she seriously think she hurt us, that she exposed us, the people listed from the posts that she copied and pasted from 7 different threads??? and her posts are conviently missing??? did seriously hurt Alicia.......what did you have against her? You are so sick to get these things and post them as wishes for Alicia on her son's birthday.

You are one sick chick.......please remove me from your list of reads!!! Thanks darlin'

Don't think we aren't on to you.........
So...I am sure many of you are thinking that there was sure something interesting flowing out of these fingers last year.....

Yes, I was wrong for talking about someone behind their back......but can anyone answer the question of WHY someone saved a bunch of posts that are no longer *on the boards* and deliberately used them a year later to really hurt someone.......and I am not talking about any of those that were doing the talking as being hurt, but the person who it was all about.......why would someone do that???

Too many questions......not enough answers.....

I just would like to remind everyone as well, I can GUARANTEE that 90% of us have got caught up in the just may not have been caught......and you never know what some freak has saved from when, just for the pure thrill of hurting someone to their core......

Alicia.....I am sorry that you got hurt the most in all of this........

Thursday, January 09, 2003

Man I'm boring........I have NO idea what to write......

If I wrote about my son's family birthday party this weekend.....I would just be being mean to my inlaws.....

If I wrote about my children's progress reports, it's the same ol' excellence in academics, and they both need to stop talking so much in class

If I wrote about how I went shopping with gift certificates from Christmas and was so excited that I was able to buy all size 10 things, I'd feel very self-conscience that a lot of people battle with their weight and probably think that I shouldn't be gloating about loosing 8 lbs and 1 pant size

Other than that......same old rat race here with the kids, PTA, scouts, CCD, etc.......

Nothing very interesting flowing out of these fingers.....

Tuesday, January 07, 2003

I never went into labor naturally, with any of the three kids, but this was my first.

I was admitted on 1/5 at 6pm to try to get labor started by softening my cervix.....about 9 pm on 1/6, they were calling it quits as nothing was happening, and if labor still didn't start mid-day on the 7th, I was having a section. I was already 10 days late (due on Christmas).

It had been snowing all day, the 1st of that winter's 17 snowstorms. The doctor had been delivering babies all day, and just when he wanted to go home, (when they called it quits for me), he couldn't leave the hospital. My husband had been there all day, and he too, couldn't leave.....they had an extra bed that they allowed him to sleep in and I guess the doctor just stayed in his quarters, especially in case something kicked in for me and I was ready to deliver.....

Early morning on the 7th, they started a pitocin drip again, and labor started shortly after. After a long labor, I delivered a 10lb 9oz baby at 10:02 pm. Shortly after delivering, I was told that if I could have *waited* another hour and 58 minutes, my son could have been born on my husband's favorite music singer's birthdate, Elvis Presley, LOL. Like I would have wanted to be in labor another 2 hours!!!

The family all braved the roads to see the first grandchild shortly after birth, and every one got there and back home safe and sound.

And, that extra bed was wheeled into my room and my husband slept over once again...


Saturday, January 04, 2003

Just like when my son was born, we are having snow around for his family birthday celebration tomorrow.....

He made it easy on me and requested an apple pie, and two ice cream "logs" made with Snickers ice cream and Reese's ice cream

Unfortunately, this weekend, two of the five of us are sick.......We've had someone sick EVERY Saturday, since 12/14.......germs BE GONE!!

Ain't this purty??

Friday, January 03, 2003

::dusting off::


Yup, it's still here.....I'm still here.....I'll try to check back in soon :-)