Thursday, October 20, 2005

So.....what's going on? Not much really. Outdoor sports "should" be winding down..but never fear, travel basketball is here.

The kids have been doing REALLY well in school, and there hasn't been too much drama when they are home.

I've been doing good in Weight Watchers. I lost 7 pounds in the first two weeks, and this week I've held steady "due to hormonal reasons" LOL. I would like to see how this time really affects my monthly weight gain and subsequent loss. I GOTTA exercise though and tone this body up, or it's not gonna look right (to me).

I HAVE to change the kid's wardrobes out. I really don't think "shorts weather" is coming back and it will give me a little more space.

We're getting ready to paint the whole inside of the house.....need to go find paint colors.......and/or dig out that design CD I used to have years ago and see if I can virtual design my innards.

Survivor started.......gtg

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


I guess, at this point.......go White Sox..... Not to happy with Clemens and Pettite for leaving, so...sorry Astros.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Ugh...if I could live through yesterday's stress, I should be good for the rest of my life. LOL

My son's baseball game ended in a tie, called for darkness after TEN INNINGS!!! They normally play 6. We were up 2-1, and for some STUPID reason our coach called for an intentional walk...and wouldn't you know we'd walk in the tieing run in the bottom of the 6th!! Sometimes he calls these plays thinking the kids are some superstars, not a bunch of good 11 yr. old players. Anyway.... We had NO offense yesterday, and we were able to hang in the game due to our usual.

So, then of course, we come home to watch the Yankees....whew.....good thing there was no school this morning...

Sorry to Ann and Jeanne...

Monday, October 03, 2005

So, here we are again, in October and gearing up for Post Season Baseball!!! WTG Yankees!!! I hope the games don't leave me laying in bed with my stomach in knots, LOL.

So, so beautiful out here....I should be on my boat, alone, everyday, but they decided we needed to be out of the lake by October 1st this year for the routine draw-down. Bummer....

I joined Weight Watchers on Thursday. It's like a game for me. I think I am down 3 pounds, but the stinkin' lines are so tiny and far away that I really can't figure out how much the scale is really moving. I should treat weight loss like my stocks and only weigh in the beginning and the end....don't watch in-between, LOL. I am only going to do it until 12/29. After that, I'll know basically how I should be eating and what not, so, I can continue in my daily routine eating better.

I always knew the rules of good eating, but didn't really feel like I had to live my life by them. Like I said, I'm treating this like a game of who can score the right amount of points with the yummiest food.

All is going well with the kids.....the older two NEVER have homework, which has it's good points as well as the bad. Good, I don't have to argue with them when to do it, but bad that I don't see how careless they can get by rushing through it. I haven't seen too much careless work coming home, but we are still only about a month in.