Tuesday, June 24, 2003

WOOHOO.......the sun and heat have arrived!!!!

But, it's so dang hot out, that our AC is on. We never had a chance to open our windows and enjoy nice mid 70 weather, LOL. Never satisfied, I guess.

The kids all went in the pool yesterday, as I waited for the UPS truck to bring my Harry Potter book. Their last day of school is today, and I can't believe the year is over. I looked at our calendar for July and August, and can't believe that September's already coming, LOL.

Well.....it feels that way. They got out so late this year, and before you know it, next week is July 4th/weekend, then there is a break, then John and Tommy have their camps, then it's the end of July............

I think I'll enjoy each day as it comes and really try to steer the kids into enjoying the summer, not teasing each other and really get us all in a good frame of mind for the coming break. (Wish me luck, LOL)

Have a great day!

Friday, June 20, 2003

So the tie-dying went so freakin' smoothly, it was heavenly!! I can't wait until Monday when all the kids wear them into school!!

This afternoon, my friend, who has 6 kids from 2-11, will be hosting an ice cream and hot dog end of year party. Unfortunately it's really wet out, and I hope that everyone has a great time and no one brings mud into her house. If it was me, I'd hold the party on Monday, when the forecast is sunny and 86.

If Tommy's t-ball game gets cancelled, I think I want to go out for Chinese!
Okay......since I've WANTED to blog occasionally, but felt I had to finish up my Disney trip, I haven't, obviously......

So, here is my official notice that I will not be finishing up the Disney trip in sequence with the other posts, LOL.

Three more days of school for the kids!!! Today I'll be tie-dying with my daughter's class. It should be fun. Unfortunately it's raining again, but we can do it inside too. I think everything will be okay.

I also hope to figure out what the archive problem is here, so that I can get those the way I want. I think I may go back to certain times (my father's death, Disney journal) and print them out. Unless I buy a domain, I don't want to trust some of these things to be around forever.

Well, I'm off to finish getting ready for the craft today. I should be getting HP V tomorrow on my door step. My poor daughter REALLY wants the book, but MY birthday is before hers, Muhahaha......

Hopefully I'll keep this baby a little more active than I have the past months.

See ya around......