Friday, December 26, 2003

Wow.....we had an incredible holiday!!! So much fun, food and excitement.

The kids probably got 95% of what they asked for.

Our prime rib dinner was SPECTACULAR, and so were all the trimmings!

Today we've been jumping from toy to toy and actually playing with everything that we got.

I've even progressed in Zelda:Wind Waker as we got new controllers and it was actually because of the bad controllers that I couldn't beat the sand worm, LOL.

Tomorrow we're going out with couples from the neighborhood to a Japanese steak house. Hibachi table, HERE I COME!! LOL

Saturday, December 20, 2003

Come to Me

God saw you getting tired,
and a cure was not to be,
so he put his arms around you
and whispered, "Come to me."

With tearful eyes we watched you,
and saw you pass away,
and although we loved you dearly,
we could not make you stay.

A golden heart stopped beating,
hard working hands at rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us,
he only takes the best.

In memory of my Dad 1-20-42 - 12-20-01

Friday, December 19, 2003

These damn things are SINFUL!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

I can NOT WAIT to make Food Network: Chocolate Caramel Peanut Truffles today.

I can NOT WAIT to see this movie!!

Monday, December 15, 2003

So, our 2nd weekend in December left us with our 2nd "snowstorm". We waited to clean the driveway until this morning, as it was sleeting last night, and we made a good decision. It wasn't too bad underneath the crunchy snow.

Last night a delayed opening was called, and by 8am they decided to close the schools. We have a major "mountain" pass that really gets bad, so even thought it looks passable down here, for the buses that have to come down the mountain, they have to be real cautious.

The kids are excited and are watching the Survivor finale right now, LOL. I think it will be good tubing snow right now, and I'm not sure of the packability for snowmen until they get out there.

Guess I'll go make pancakes or something hearty and then get going with the day. Enjoy!!

Friday, December 12, 2003

Just ate my first, out-of-the-oven, Eggnog Cookie. I am going to an ornament exchange tonight, and will be bringing this cookie. It was DELICIOUS. My oldest two do not care for this cookie, but I'm thinking of making another batch so Stephanie can bring a batch to her Brownie party tonight. She's one of the kids, however, that doesn't particularly like it. :-( The only part that is SO drawn out in this process is that each batch takes at least 30 minutes to cook. Maybe I'm making them too big as the recipe says it makes 6 dozen, and I'll be lucky to get 3 dozen out of it. A rounded teaspoonful to me is a pretty decent morsel. I don't think I've ever gotten the amount of cookies out as the recipe states, LOL

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Yay, John picked up a tree Monday night while Johnny was at practice. The tree farm is across the street from the PAL Bldg, and we are BUSY again this weekend, so that was as good of time as any. It's a really nice, full tree and for $28, who can complain?

Saturday, December 06, 2003

Oh my goodness......I WASTED the day away. My friend called me (around 11:30am)and asked me to help her with a logic problem that was due by midnight tonight (for her college math class)

So.......after figuring it all out, and having one teeny piece of information throw off my whole solution, I did it again, and again and again, and at 3pm the family was wondering when lunch was.

I threw out some morsels and went back to the problem, and SOLVED it, at like 6pm.

Then, I get the PTA bank statement in the mail, and I get all sorts of pissed off as the president took a check from me to get ink, and I see a check made out to her for $300. All is fine, but she's really sneaky sometimes and it pissed me off.

I then went to fix my lights outside, and see that somehow a light got pushed up a few inches and crammed between the gutter and the eave (I guess it's the eaves, LOL) Don't know how the hell that happened, but I got pissed off, got the ladder out, in the snow, and took that strand of lights down. When I got them down, I notice a perfect leaf is stuck in the base of another light. How the hell did those two things happen?? I have to take the strand in tomorrow and go through it light by light.

I then took more lights out to test them and ran across all sorts of problems. was 7:15 and my family wanted dinner. How dare they?? LOL I planned on some sort of pasta, which was not going over well with my husband, so he got up and made some kind of red sauce, which was actually quite good and we came down to watch Santa Claus is Comin' to Town together.

I did not clean my house, I did not decorate my house, I did not make cookies, I did not give my family much attention today.


I guess every once in a while, that's okay, but I better get my act together tomorrow. It's gonna be hard though if the kids are playing outside and John's at the Giant game...... I just may want to veg, LOL
Woohoo!! NOTHING to do today......just enjoy the outside, the fireplace and fresh baked cookies, that I will do later. I started receiving the 12 Days of Cookies from Food Network and I have all the ingredients to make the Almond Snowball Cookies.

I'll probably get some decorations out of the attic and do most of the decorating in the house, sans tree.

Enjoy the day!!

Rankin-Bass cartoons start at 2pm on the ABCFamily channel, so they'll always be something on this afternoon that we can chill out with!!

Friday, December 05, 2003

you are greenyellow

Your dominant hues are green and yellow. There's no doubt about the fact that you think with your head, but you don't want to be seen as boring and want people to know about your adventurous streak now and again.

Your saturation level is higher than average - You know what you want, but sometimes know not to tell everyone. You value accomplishments and know you can get the job done, so don't be afraid to run out and make things happen.

Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.
the html color quiz
Saw this at Laura's and want to do it real quick.....

1. A body of water, smaller than a river, contained within relatively narrow banks? A stream.

2. What the thing you push around the grocery store/supermarket? A shopping cart.

3. A metal container to carry a meal in? A lunch box.

4. The thing that you cook bacon and eggs in? A pan.

5. The piece of furniture that seats three people? A couch.

6. The device on the outside of the house that carries rain off the roof? A gutter.

7. The covered area outside a house where people sit in the evening? A porch.

8. Carbonated, sweetened, non-alcoholic beverages? A soda.

9. A flat, round breakfast food served with syrup? Pancakes.

10. A long sandwich designed to be a whole meal in itself? A sub.

11. The piece of clothing worn by men at the beach? bathing suit.

12. Shoes worn for sports? sneakers

13. Putting a room in order? straightening up.

14. A flying insect that glows in the dark? Lightning bug.

15. The little insect arthropod that curls up into a ball? never called it anything, LOL.

16. The children's playground equipment where one kid sits on one side and goes up while the other sits on the other side and goes down? See saw

17. How do you eat your pizza? if it's a really thick slice, with a knife and fork. Normal pizza.....pick it up, let it fold in half a little and eat with hands

18. What's it called when private citizens put up signs and sell their used stuff? Garage sale.

19. What's the evening meal? dinner

20. The thing under a house where the furnace and perhaps a rec room are? Basement.....although the door going outside at my paren'ts house is called the cellar door, LOL
Not much going on here yet. We are expected to have 12+" of it could be a very lazy, cozy weekend. I should run out to the store, however, and get.....milk, bread, NO SILLY......BEER, LOL.

In fact, I think I will be leaving now.......brb

Thursday, December 04, 2003

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
You are 'Hark! The Herald Angels Sing'. You take
Christmas very seriously. For you, it is a
religious festival, celebrating the birth of
the Saviour, and its current secularisation
really irritates you. You enjoy the period of
Advent leading up to Christmas, and attend any
local carol services you can find, as well as
the more contemplative Advent church services
each Sunday. You may be involved in Christmas
food collections or similar charity work. The
midnight service at your church, with candles
and carols, is one you look forward to all
year, and you also look forward to the family
get together on Christmas Day.

What Christmas Carol are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Well.....I just went out to the freezer in the garage and my car was gone!!! Aww.....he remembered.....he is good for something sometimes :-)

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

So...what's new?? Can you guess......can't you see the difference?? LOL

I installed a new 80GB hard drive so things are very clean and organized and FAST around here, :-)

Yesterday, when schools were closed and EVERYONE was home, I let the house fall to pieces and worked on this machine. Well......I cleaned the bathrooms as part of my usual Tuesday ritual, but the rest of the house, oy!

Today, I straightened up a lot and finished getting programs where I want them to be and here I sit.

You should see my car. John took it hunting and got stuck in mud twice, so my poor car has dried mud, that is almost the size of cow pies all over the damn car. Very thick mud in my wheel wells and it's just a mess. Now it's so damn cold out that we can't really wash it, but I told him I'm not gonna drive again until it's clean, LOL. So, if you hear/see a woman in her pjs running through north Jersey after a clean car, it's probably me, cuz John woke up and got out of the house before I could make him take the dirty one, LOL.

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

I guess this was to blame for today's closures
Oh my........our first weather-related school closing. I guess it's quite icy under the dusty snow covered ground. To top it all of, my husband decided (before the school phone calls) to stay home today and recuperate from his hunting excursion yesterday. He didn't get a deer and the weather was awful.....hailing and snowing.

I had a list of errands to do today.....that won't be happening and anything that I try to do in the house will be as fruitless as if I was trying to clean on the weekends, LOL.

Well, I guess I can at least clean the bathrooms. Enjoy the day!