Monday, December 15, 2003

So, our 2nd weekend in December left us with our 2nd "snowstorm". We waited to clean the driveway until this morning, as it was sleeting last night, and we made a good decision. It wasn't too bad underneath the crunchy snow.

Last night a delayed opening was called, and by 8am they decided to close the schools. We have a major "mountain" pass that really gets bad, so even thought it looks passable down here, for the buses that have to come down the mountain, they have to be real cautious.

The kids are excited and are watching the Survivor finale right now, LOL. I think it will be good tubing snow right now, and I'm not sure of the packability for snowmen until they get out there.

Guess I'll go make pancakes or something hearty and then get going with the day. Enjoy!!


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