Sunday, November 19, 2006

Woo Hoo......two posts in a row!!

I am just killing time on the computer today. It's kinda boring when you have to keep your house immaculate every day for showings, LOL.

I think tomorrow I'm gonna run out for a tablecloth for Thanksgiving. I also need to buy a semi-formal outfit for John's and my reunions this weekend. His is on Friday night and mine is Saturday. I'm going solo to mine, as we don't think he'd have a good time, and now he is wishing he didn't sign up to go to his. His 3 best buddies aren't going, and he hates putting on the fake act for the others that might or might not be there. He had a small class and the email that came out last weekend looks like not a lot of people are going to be at his reunion.

I have a pants outfit I could wear to his, but I think I should wear a nice cocktail dress to mine. I really should check my closet before I run out to the mall.

Okay.......I'm off to Suduko...


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