Tuesday, July 31, 2001

Go here and listen to *Flavor of the Weak*. For some reason, I LOVE this song.
As I ate a half pint of Concession Obsession, I wondered about the new *brown paper* carton. I haven't had Ben and Jerry's in a long time from the store, but anywho......I found both the product I was eating and the carton featured on their index page, LOL.
Code Red Are you nervous or protected or have no reason to be either......."If you are using Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Me, there is no action that you need to take in response to this alert."
::sigh:: My dad's first treatment is postponed due to his bilirubin being 1.7 and not the required 1.5.......at least it came down from the 20+ reading when he was first diagnosed.....
My dad is an hour into his first chemo treatment right now.....send some happy thoughts please!!

Monday, July 30, 2001

Peter Pan's Recent News Page Page! Hey Lala......he won a 2001 Webby in the *weird* category. Looks like you can pick the winners!! :-)

Sunday, July 29, 2001

I don't know if my kids are just doing something to please their father, or if they truly enjoy something..... The thing in question is eating Sushi...... After the game tonight, we went to a Sushi Bar. I can handle the crab roll. It is a crab leg, minus the shell, with some cucumber, wrapped in seaweed, rice and sesame seeds......no biggie. However, my kids like the tuna roll. Just the thought of raw fish skeeves me out. Johnny seemed not to enjoy the crab roll.....which confuses me, (but whateva!! LOL) Stephanie on the other hand had NO problem with anything given to her. Tako (raw octupus that is laid on a wadful of rice, not like calamari, LOL you can find a lot of the pics here), Crab, Tuna (a big old slab of raw meat on rice, no roll). John did not eat the Tuna ala carte and chewed on the octupus for 5-7 minutes before taking it out of his mouth to chew in smaller pieces. He was okay with the crab on rice. My husband ate White Fish, Tuna, smoked eel, octupus, shrimp.....and I think that's all. My stomach is now starting to flip on me.....hope you read this entry without puking, LOL.
Spent the day at Shea Stadium watching a great game between the Mets and the Phillies. We are diehard Yankee fans, but the scout group went together today. Piazza was up 2nd in the bottom of the 9th and homered to win the game 6-5. It was truly a great day!!

Saturday, July 28, 2001

This picture IS freaky!!
I have to add this site to my links. She is the owner of the Voices on the Web also.
For everyone who thinks I have an accent......thanks to Amy, you can find me here, LOL.

Friday, July 27, 2001

Was gonna post something here, but would really be silly and getting down to that level......nope, not gonna do it.....
Finding this particular search in my referrals makes me ill!!!

Monday, July 23, 2001

Okay, here are some pics of us leaving NYC and a postcard of the ship and where our room was......

See, guest blogging SUCKS......LOL Thanks for trying gals.

I'M HOME!!!!!! and I just had to cook my first meal in about a week, that sucks!!!!! LOL

We had SUCH a freakin' blast. The kids had SUCH a good time in Camp Carnival. I only saw the activities for the 2-5 and 6-8 year olds, but they hated it when camp wasn't going on, LOL. We had a day and a half at sea, and only 10 hours in Halifax, then another day and a half back. The weather up was quite rough. Wind was 20 knots/hour and we couldn't go outside the first day with out being bundled up and strapped down, LOL. The weather up was a little rough, however, coming home, we felt like we were in the Caribbean, warm, sea breezes, sun and hardly any motion. Wind was like nothing....can't remember the knots/hour though. I wore the Sea Bands and didn't get sick, and the kids never complained.

I met a girl that I've gotten to know on Mom's Life. I'm glad John took the kids to the boat, so I was able to walk the docks with her and her DH and daughter without whining!! We took a 3 hour bus tour that went ALL through Halifax, like street by street. Our first stop was at a graveyard that 121 victims of the Titanic are buried. Quite interesting. We also learned about this massive explosion in 1917 that killed over 2,000 and more people. We then went to the Public Gardens, and the Citadel, which is the highest point in Halifax.
Now, back to reality :-(

The saddest part of the trip is that John went into a drawing for a free cruise, and they called a number, exactly 20 numbers before his :-( Two people before him......ARGH Now, there is a second sad point......I opened up my souvenir bag to find two bottle of blueberry syrup with their caps broken and one of them on my souvenir tee :-( Odd that no glass was broken and just the caps were, like they were screwed on too tight my customs or something......it's too weird.

Cool part, he won $600 in the casino, which paid for tips and charges during the trip......

Off to cook chicken nuggets and mac n' cheese, LOL
Boy, we sure got wild and freakay on here! LOL! We suck as guest bloggers! Donna, I hope you had a wonderful trip and I'm glad you got to meet up with DonnaLeigh!

Friday, July 20, 2001

I'm sure Donna won't find this nearly as amusing as I do.

"Ah, my freakin' heaaaad. I'm so waaaasted..."

Wednesday, July 18, 2001

You may see some guest bloggers here this weekend, you may not......I have last minute shit to do (vacuum all floors, mop the kitchen, put away all dishes)

Have fun!!!! I sure will be.
There is a girl that was my best friend through high school, until I got engaged. Then she got a bit jealous, and as John opened my eyes to her crap, we've grown apart. Doesn't really bother me though, because I would have been a different person with a different goal in life if I still hung out with her. Anyway...today is her birthday. Do I call her anymore? No.....why?? Because, my birthday is 28 days before hers, and she never calls me. How immature is that? LOL

She just really pisses me off. She hasn't seen my children, since Johnny was born. She's never been to my house, which we purchased almost 5 years ago, and only calls me when she got engaged, when she set a date, when my friend got engaged, when she bought a house, when another friend cheated on her husband, and when something is going on in town with my ex-boyfriend (town cop), who's been an ex since 1988, although we reconnected for a brief time before I got married. It used to feel like a one-way relationship where she did all the taking and I did all the giving, so I gave up. To tell you the truth, I don't even miss her, or the b.s. I always end up going through when we are together.

I could tell stories forever, but, it's worthless......I am a better person now, and I hope one day she finds true happiness...
Okay, so I woke up today with a mission. I packed all the clothes and other apparel for the kids and myself last night, so I just have toiletries to pack after our showers tomorrow morning.

After breakfast, I made two loaves of zucchini bread, since we have it coming out of our ears, and our garden is gonna be neglected for the next couple of days. Took my shower while it cooked, and made sure the kids were ready for errands. Went to the barber, who was VERY crowded, so I walked out, with the thought of coming back around 2:30. Went to ShopRite to get Dramamine, SeaBands, deodorant and baking soda for the pool. Hit the bank in store and deposited all my birthday checks. Then went to Eckerd, since ShopRite only had one package of SeaBands and no liquid Dramamine. Eckerd didn't have the Dramamine either, but did have pills that had a child dosage on it, even though it was NOT the less drowsy version. Hopefully, if they don't hear the term *sea-sick* they won't get it. Mine may just be psychological, if I get it at all. I picked up another package of SeaBands for $9.99 compared to the $7.69 at ShopRite...oh well. Left Eckerd and dropped off John's shirts at the cleaners. Convinced Johnny to go to my hairdresser for a haircut, but I needed to call her first. Stopped at a friend's house to pick up some dress pants for Tommy. Somehow, I go from 3T -> 5 for Johnny, but no 4s. Come home, call the beauty salon, we have an appointment, right now!! Everyone back into the car, get his haircut, come home and I just cooked up some hot dogs for lunch......

Now at 3pm, we go to the dance studio and look at classes for next year (in a new studio), then head to the jeweler's that John got my birthday present from and ask them to have some matching backs for the earrings. One is white gold and the other is gold, and after spending all the money that he did, I want perfection. 3:30 is Steffi's 6 year physical, no biggie. Then......head to the Home Depot and get gift cards for my brother-in-laws birthday, go to Kohl's and return an outfit my MIL got for Steffi......it is gosh darn FUGLY, LOL, head over to Coconuts and return the extra copy of the Backstreet Boys CD and get either the Aaron Carter one, or S Club 7, and then head to my sister-in-laws for a pizza dinner for my previously mentioned BIL. After that come home, go to sleep, wake up and get cruisin'.

Oh, yeah, I have to throw her in the shower soon too, before the doc appt.

Do I need guests bloggers??

Tuesday, July 17, 2001

I've been getting ready for our cruise for the past two days. The kids are all packed, and I should be done, except for toiletries, tonight. I am trying to keep the notion of *seasickness* out of my head, and definitely don't want to let the children know of such a thing.

I am in such a hermit funk lately. Don't call me, I'll call you, if I feel like it, type of thing, LOL. Nothing bad, just I get this way sometimes and just don't like being around people, especially people who annoy me.

My dad is back home, as of a few minutes ago, and my brother is coming in from Denver, the day after our cruise gets back. Oh yeah, while I'm away, I hope to meet up with Donna Leigh in port. I hope we get some kind of way of coordinating what time we have to be back on the boat, so I know when I should tell her to be there.

Our electric bill went up 40% from last month, and up a bit from same time, last year. I know I've been spending time on this computer, even though I try to cut back, but with the cable access, it's just soooooo fast and easy to keep it on. Oh well...

Friday, I had two parties for Steffi. From 1-3, it was her friends, and 5-10 was our families. I was beat at the end of that day. It was a little too chilly for her pool party, but we had fun nonetheless. At night, John lit the chimnea and kept our guests comfortable. This weekend, we went to see a *A* team play that is affilliated with the St. Louis Cardinals, the New Jersey Cardinals. It was a fun game and we were invited over to a friend's house for dinner. Well, after the sky opened up on us, and I was drenched, I decided to join the party in the jacuzzi. 3/4 of a bottle of wine later, I was SLOSHED!!!!! I was so messed up, but I don't *think* the kids noticed anything, as they were too busy enjoying the party as well.

Now, here it is 7:09pm and I'm still unshowered in my pajamas. I guess, perhaps, I should start my day, LOL!!
Didn't realize she was blogging.....have to add to my list of reads and get to know her better.

Friday, July 13, 2001

LMAO.....while I was busy having a friend and then a family birthday party for my daughter, someone has been playing around with a graphics program and has altered my pic on my blog.......

This was me and Stephanie, 6 years ago (6 hours from now).

Happy Birthday to my sweet little girl!!

Stolen from Amy

My kids helped me make and color it, LOL.

Thursday, July 12, 2001

Big Brother is short one houseguest, and they haven't even had the voting from tonight yet.......

Wednesday, July 11, 2001

Duh, just noticed, after months of not having blogvoices that I still have the button up there.......git out of here.......
Well, I had a redesign, like ya didn't notice, LOL......not sure if I like it, very pastel-y, but it's gonna do for now......

Tomorrow I have to do all the pre-party cooking, cupcakes, potato salad, etc........Hope the weather remains nice for Friday.
Not much else here to say.....signing off......

Sunday, July 08, 2001

So, Friday, we went to Great Adventure and had an AWESOME time. It was so cool and breezy, not typical NJ July weather, but I'll take it over hazy, hot and humid. My 7.5 and 6 yr old son and daughter went on Rolling Thunder as the most adventurous ride, and my daughter would have done more!!! but we were more into the *kiddie* section of the park that day. My father said he should have come along so that John and I could have ridden the *big* coasters, so, still in 33 years, I have not ridden any coasters at Great Adventure :-( (we forgot to go back to that ride for Steffi and me)

Saturday, we just chilled and today, I spent a good deal of the afternoon running around getting birthday presents for Stephanie and then making a gourmet dinner requiring lots of prep work and cooking, all to be done in 3 minutes flat. Shrimp and Scallop Cakes with Asparagus and Lemon-Chive Vinagriette, served over baby green salad. I also attempted Clams Oreganata, however, next time, I want to chop the clams up with the bread crumb mixture instead of just burying them with the topping.

I have a busy week with horseback riding and movies tomorrow; shopping and attending a birthday party on Tuesday; Wednesday, a cooking gathering in the morning; Thursday is preparty cooking and storytime at night, and Friday is the party. 1-3 will be friends and 5-9 will be family. Get it all over and done with......

She asked for and is getting a boombox with CDs. 6 yr olds nowadays, LOL. Also getting a Zelda game for GameBoy, earrings, books, a puzzle.......can't decide on Barbies or Diva Starz dolls yet, maybe I'll see how much she is getting in TRU gift certificates first.

Anyway......I have to put kiddies to bed and finally do something with John.....I swear my body was so off kilter this month, and I think he just may die if he goes another night without *it*

Thursday, July 05, 2001

babe That's me.......
I haven't done anything to my blog, and yet, now there are errors?? Whatever.......

Wednesday, July 04, 2001

Watching the Macy's fireworks on tv also reminds me of how strained relationships are in my father-in-laws family. Usually, we'd be sitting in a $4 million dollar home, on a cliff, overlooking various NJ towns and being able to see the fireworks IRL, but since his father died, and somehow my FIL was all of a sudden excluded from the will, and two years later, listening to details that are surfacing that would blow your mind away, and those minds of his brothers (for our good) it is not mindboggling that we don't get together that much with his brothers and sisters and their families.......sad, but true......
LMAO.....nothing like a Jersey girl, watching Jersey folk jammin' to BonJovi, who are performing at Ellis Island for the Macy's Firework Display. Could the bulge in Jon's pants be anymore delicious?????
Oh yeah......I was people watchin', big time, last night. I'm a little afraid of my children going to high school, LOL. But, as I watched some more, I noticed that practically every one who crossed my path last night, had a equal in my high school years. i.e......the cute soccer player walking around barefoot was like Anthony......the dude with the overalls, rainbow tie-dye, barefoot, and strawhat......could have been my brother...etc.....

I also had my eye on this one guy, cute, dark, handsome, and I was amazed by his mannerisms, and the way he held himself.......looked just like this guy Ray I knew......I wonder if he wore Drakkar as well????
Stress is affecting my body, but I didn't think I was stressed, but I guess deep down I am....

I've had a couple of wonderful days around here. Monday, I took my kids out to ride bikes. Johnny learned last year (? I think), Tommy rides one of those minibikes with training wheels, and Steffi got a bike in Spring, but we never even bought the wheels for her bike, plus I think because of how big it is, it doesn't even have training wheels. Anyway......her dad had taken her out once previously and she was scared, but managed to understand what she SHOULD be doing. I had no idea how much she could or couldn't do, but I felt very accomplished at the end of our session when she was riding by herself. Her dad stopped up to the high school parking lot, where I was and was very impressed with her, so I guess I done good. I, on the other hand, was way tired from running along side of her, while yelling instructions/pointers, and chasing after Thomas, LOL.

Yesterday, we packed up the family, blankets, chairs and jackets and went to watch fireworks together. After watching the kids dancing and running around, 'til dusk, having a blast, we scooted the two chairs together, put the kids (3) on our laps an snuggled under the blankie watching the sparkle dusts, and spiderwebs :-) Sad point of the night, my 7yr old partook in the pony rides, but was not the enthused toddler anymore :-( That was probably his last pony ride.

The fireworks WERE beautiful but started WAY too late. 9:45pm, a good 2+ hours after we got there. They could have been started by 9pm, 9:15 the latest. They were also shorter than normal, and even the DJ was confused, as he said, "Let's see what else they've got for us" after the finale, so everyone sat back down. The flood lights came on, and he said, "Well, thank you for coming" LOL Little communication problem there, but again, the family time together was what most enjoyable.

Today, I had my parents over. I took the video cam out, but was trying not to be that noticeable as my dad was playing soccer/giving pointers to Johnny. He also was in the pool with them, so I captured some of that as well. He also was playing with Johnny's pitchback and testing how hard, fast, etc.....he could throw the ball in succession and he whined about not being able to play softball this year. He wasn't told specifically he couldn't, but I'm guessing his body *might* have said that he couldn't. The guy doesn't act sick in the least, and if he hadn't have lost 40 lbs in a short amount of time, he wouldn't even look sick. Actually, he looks okay to a normal eye, but I know that my dad used to have a little more meat on his bones. I just hope his doc gives him something (pancreatic enzymes) soon that allows his body to absorb the nutrients that he eats.

Now, I'm watching the Brian Wilson tribute on TNT and bopping with Ricky Martin.......MMMMMYYYYYYUUUUUMMMMMMAAAAAAYYYYYYY

Tuesday, July 03, 2001

Ugh, I have to blog, but I am doing so much around the house, and just stopping for brief visits, that I don't feel like typing. We are going to the town fireworks tonight, all decked out in our Old Navy Flag tees, probably, LOL. Tomorrow, I invited my parents up to hang out with and enjoy their grandchildren. Of course, no less than 90 minutes after I did that, we were invited to our friends lake house...oh well.....