Wednesday, July 18, 2001

There is a girl that was my best friend through high school, until I got engaged. Then she got a bit jealous, and as John opened my eyes to her crap, we've grown apart. Doesn't really bother me though, because I would have been a different person with a different goal in life if I still hung out with her. is her birthday. Do I call her anymore? No.....why?? Because, my birthday is 28 days before hers, and she never calls me. How immature is that? LOL

She just really pisses me off. She hasn't seen my children, since Johnny was born. She's never been to my house, which we purchased almost 5 years ago, and only calls me when she got engaged, when she set a date, when my friend got engaged, when she bought a house, when another friend cheated on her husband, and when something is going on in town with my ex-boyfriend (town cop), who's been an ex since 1988, although we reconnected for a brief time before I got married. It used to feel like a one-way relationship where she did all the taking and I did all the giving, so I gave up. To tell you the truth, I don't even miss her, or the b.s. I always end up going through when we are together.

I could tell stories forever, but, it's worthless......I am a better person now, and I hope one day she finds true happiness...


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