Monday, October 03, 2005

So, here we are again, in October and gearing up for Post Season Baseball!!! WTG Yankees!!! I hope the games don't leave me laying in bed with my stomach in knots, LOL.

So, so beautiful out here....I should be on my boat, alone, everyday, but they decided we needed to be out of the lake by October 1st this year for the routine draw-down. Bummer....

I joined Weight Watchers on Thursday. It's like a game for me. I think I am down 3 pounds, but the stinkin' lines are so tiny and far away that I really can't figure out how much the scale is really moving. I should treat weight loss like my stocks and only weigh in the beginning and the end....don't watch in-between, LOL. I am only going to do it until 12/29. After that, I'll know basically how I should be eating and what not, so, I can continue in my daily routine eating better.

I always knew the rules of good eating, but didn't really feel like I had to live my life by them. Like I said, I'm treating this like a game of who can score the right amount of points with the yummiest food.

All is going well with the kids.....the older two NEVER have homework, which has it's good points as well as the bad. Good, I don't have to argue with them when to do it, but bad that I don't see how careless they can get by rushing through it. I haven't seen too much careless work coming home, but we are still only about a month in.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about the stomach knots!!!! Hopefully there won't be any games until 3 AM again either.. UGH!

I started South Beach about 6 weeks ago. More for the receipes than anything. I needed to get myself back on track. Doesn't hurt that I am down 17 pounds either, but there are so many more to go! Good luck with your plan!!

8:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go both of you! I need to, I just don't want too enough I guess:( I have been sticking to my daily walking rather well though:)

11:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just realized we have one heck of a war brewing here! I say go CARDINALS:) I also work with a White Sox fan. This is going to get interesting!

11:09 AM  

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