Sunday, September 04, 2005

Ugh........I am SO DONE with people blaming the President for lack of response to Katrina. The local people in charge down there should have had plans in place if ANYTHING should happen. NY has plans in place, the tri-state should be ready if something were to happen, why is EVERYONE blaming Bush?? Is he supposed to thoroughly know the in and outs of all the roads and all the needs and who lives where down there and who is ready to mobilize, etc..etc?? Does he have a freakin' atlas in his head to know how to make it all work properly, NO, the LOCALS should have been prepared and have someone in charge for something like this.....

STFU already.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree!

11:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree 100%

12:31 PM  

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