Monday, November 08, 2004

Oh, yeah, so anyway Ann, LOL.....

We came in 3rd in our District. Our American team came in first, so it was actually better that we lost twice to the 2nd place team, so we didn't have to face our fellow town players and friends. Our American team won the Sectionals and then came in 3rd, I think in States.

We've been really busy with all 3 kids playing soccer, and all 3 kids in scouts. John was playing rec and travel soccer, so he has really improved with the knowledge of the game, and his skills ain't bad either, LOL

I guess I am just sort of "blah" about blogging, but let's give it a shot, LOL

I've become very frustrated trying to network my laptop and desktop, but I am hoping when my sister's boyfriend comes over at some point between now and January, he can get us all set up. The main reason I was hot on doing this, was so that I could burn my photos before "something" happens and my burner didn't seem to be working. After many emails and finally a phone conversation, it appears my 2.5 yr old burner can no longer read CD-RWs (blank or with data) for whatever reason, and since I want to burn onto that type of disc, it appears I am out of luck. Hmm...didn't think of trying a CD-R for the time being.....

I'm also dreading the holidays as my father's (who is ALWAYS on my mind) memory and sickness has me in an "angry" stage. I don't think I've ever been angry about his death yet, and maybe this is just a natural progression, but I'm REALLY getting pissy whenever I think of what we are doing without him here with us. There has been way too many people that I know who have had people in their families die, in the last 3 months and they are all YOUNG people who should have been here for much longer.

Yeah, this is ending on a happy note......not than that, things are going very well here and who knows.......maybe I'll surprise you with a post tomorrow, LOL


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