Thursday, January 23, 2003

The other two had their appointments yesterday.......all is well, all over the board for them.

Tommy was 50% in height and weight; 3'7" and 41.5 lbs (He is the shortest and heaviest at this age..not by much)

Stephanie is 75% in height and weight; 4'2" and 54.5 lbs (Steffi (7 1/2) is a tad taller than I was, since I was 4'2" at 8, but I weighed 59lbs)

Johnny is 75% in height and a bit under 50% for weight; 4'5.5" and 60 lbs
(Compared to Johnny, at the same age, I was 4'6" and 65.5 lbs, and I always thought "I" was skinny!)


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