Sunday, April 20, 2003

Well let me tell you.......that graham cracker streusel coffe cake was SO FREAKIN' DELICIOUS!!!

Apparently so were the chocolate bunnies that I put in the kids' baskets, because a mouse, that we didn't know we even had, ate some of each of the kids......just like Goldilocks :-(

Tommy's tball practice went really well yesterday. I can't believe how much he is "into" the game and listening and being in the ready position at all times, LOL

I got to Johnny's game as he was starting his 2nd inning. If I don't say so myself, that boy can throw :-) I am SO proud of him. His technique is really good and even his hitting technique has improved this year. The only disappointment is that some of the boys on his team don't have their heads in the game at all times. For example, after his pitching innings were over, he was at short and there was an awesome diving stop he made, got up to throw to first, and the kid's head was in the clouds, so the throw hit the 1st baseman in the belly, and the runner even made it to 2nd :-(

But all in all, I think the team has room for improvement and it looks like it will be a fun season for him.

However, I am bummed that he took his batting gloves off, put them on the bench, went out to the field and the gloves were GONE. Of course the couldn't be found and NO ONE has any clue as to where they are. Hoping they will turn up in someone's else bag.


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