Friday, September 01, 2006

Friday Five

1) This is the 1st of September, what do you want to accomplish by the 31st? A more organized house. All painting complete

2) What does September make you think about or feel? School and new beginnings

3) September is the ninth month; can you name nine memories so far from this year?
1-NC vacation
2-John graduating middle school
3-new car
4-sister's wedding plans
5-Puerto Rico
6-1st installment payment for two children at the orthodontist
7-Tommy's 1st communion
8-trying to juggle all our activites
9-Wedding Singer and NYC with sister and friends

4) What does September have in common with three other months and can you name them? They end in "ber" October, November, December

5) The first weekend in September signals the end of summer for many even though it doesn’t really end for weeks. When does summer end for you? When it starts getting chilly and we can't use the boat anymore....mid-October


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