Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Wow......I was just reading my archives from 2 years ago when my father was fighting/dying with cancer. I used to blog a lot.....even if I just mentioned what I did that day. Like visiting the kids classes for American Education Week. I knew what I sat in on. I haven't blogged like that lately.

I would like to print out my blog for the past two years.....think that's crazy to undertake?

It seems like I come on this computer a lot and just listen and comment, rather than start conversations. I feel bad for doing that, but sometimes I don't know if people like to listen to me, LOL.

So.....with this realization, I will try blogging my daily activites.

Today, the kids have an early dismissal. We will be going for Johnny's final eye tests at the doctor's main office, about 45 minutes away. Johnny needed an in-depth eye test after the school nurse thought that he might have a muscle balance problem in his eyes. We went to the opthamologist, and she said his vision was fine, the muscle balance is fine, but she does notice that his optic nerves are tilted, but within normal, so she wanted baseline testing done. Last week we went to an 1 1/2 hr appointment with a retin specialist so he could look at the nerves and take special photos of Johnny's eyes. Again, his variations are within normal. Today, we take the last of all these baselines, with some Field Vision test. I can't wait to sit in rush hour traffic on the way home.

I am also a little sad as there are many people close to me who are dealing with grief at the holidays and others who are starting their battles against cancer and it just saddens me that these things happen. It was bad enough when my family and I were affected, but all these people are in the same boat as me. I just wish the hurt and pain would go away for the ones who are left behind.....

Tomorrow we will be heading to my mom's to eat, and then to my inlaws for dessert.

Have a safe and a wonderful holiday.


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