Friday, November 07, 2003

Update.......the girls did get Needs Improvement as well. The teacher told me that if it didn't cause total insanity that she would have moved John from his group in week 2 when she saw that they were just not going to work together properly. She said she even apologized to John and let him know that if he just stuck it out it would be over soon. So, that was very cool......she was very nice and let me know that she knew ALL about the shenanigans going on. Score one for teacher I didn't particularly care for!! LOL

I just told him, for when he goes back in March, that he should REALLY be aware of what the teacher already saw him deal with and to take extra special care to get along with whomever he is paired with for that cycle. She assured me that it wouldn't be with those girls again.

The teacher randomly chose them this time as she counted 1-6 around the room, and none of those girls even went to the same elem. school, so it's just how fate choose it.


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