Saturday, November 24, 2001

Thank you gals for the comments and support for me to keep my blog.....I think I was having a mini pity party, LOL.

I rearranged some of my house yesterday and started getting in the Holiday Spirit by checking out TVGuide and ABCfamily Holiday show schedules!! Our garage is being worked on and the contents of my Christmas boxes are all in the sunroom and easy to get to, so I just might start slowly going through and placing some Christmas cheer around the house.

I'll hear more soon on my dad, and when he is coming home. He has gained 9 lbs since his last hospital stay, so I hope we have made a slight upturn. He was very sad on Thursday when he talked to my mom and really wanted to be home. I couldn't even imagine.

I ended up running out to Walmart last night, just to see if they had some card tables that I needed, but they were sold out. I ended up getting little odds and ends that I needed, but it really wasn't too crazy and the toy aisles were still *intact*, so I'm wondering if it was that slow all day, or they had people that really kept the store in order??

John is going hunting tomorrow and today, I think I'll destroy and sort out the laundry room/filing cabinet area, since he can keep the kids out of my hair when I try to tackle this job.

Enjoy the weekend!!


Anonymous FDC Movies said...

Usually I never comment on blogs but your article is so convincing that I never stop
myself to say something about it. You’re doing a great job Man,Keep it up. :

4:50 PM  

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