Wednesday, August 27, 2003

We decided to go Mars hunting tonight. I tried to think of all the areas in town where there was big, wide, open spaces and hardly any light and we were striking out everywhere. We even got chased by the police from behind the PAL building, LOL.

I turn into my development to come home and see a reddish light......that,'s not moving.......we found after driving around for 25 minutes, we finally hit Marsgold. If I made a quick little left turn off of my street to the top of this tiny crest, we would have found the planet, right under our noses, LOL, in the beginning!!

However, in the last hour it has risen quite a bit in the sky, so maybe when we set out, we couldn't see it, even if I did make that left.

John took out the telescope and all I see is a reddish dot, LOL. I know he has a super-duper scope but I don't think we have it set up right, and now is not the time to find the manual. Maybe, since we now know where Mars is, I can look tomorrow and try and get it super high-powered.


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