Friday, November 30, 2001

I am having a hard time wording this post, as I don't want my husband to sound like he's such an ass, but please......don't tell me how I should be fucking acting when all I wanted was about 1/2 hour of time, to be in by room, cry and compose an outline of what I want my father to know, for tomorrow. And, no, I don't want my feet rubbed, and no, I don't want to sit and cuddle, I wanted to be alone for a moment.....

My father will not be leaving his bed, or the upstairs of my parent's house unless it is by ambulance or hearse, as my mother said tonight. He tried walking to the bathroom last night, by himself, which had never posed a problem for him, but last night he got around to the door and collapsed. So after much struggling, because 135 lbs is still heavy to my mom, they got him on the bed and he used a portable urinal, but the commode chair will be coming by Monday, hopefully. As will his wheeled walker, but my mom doesn't think he'll be able to manage that either. Amazing what can happen overnight.

I will be popping by with the kids tomorrow.


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