Wednesday, October 03, 2001

I had no errands to run today, just a couple of odd jobs around the house, so here I sit at 1pm in my *cleaning clothes* (old sweats and old tshirt) with no shower and no desire to dirty the bathroom, after I just cleaned it, LOL.

Fall has arrived, and today we get a bonus, a beautifully warm sunny day to go outside and enjoy the colors.

The hospital my dad is in is squeezing him into the surgery schedule this afternoon. I just called his room to see if he was taken yet, and there was no answer, so I check with patient information, and they assure me that he is not on the schedule for today. Which, I know different and they are right, he wasn't technically scheduled for I am hoping when it is all said and done that the doc will truly call my mom and give an update. I am torn between going into the city and not.....


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