Monday, October 01, 2001

It's been a rough couple of days. My dad has to undergo surgery tomorrow to fix his digestive system...lots of stuff going on, lots of questions to answer, but they can't be answered until the doc is in there and then will *get creative*. While visiting him yesterday (in Manhattan), we passed by makeshift memorials, a firehouse, and saw the skyline. That was another experience all it's own.

I can't believe it's October already, and what I've accomplished in all my duties (Brownie leader, Snow Chain Chairperson, 2nd VP of Newcomers)

I am also grateful for making a good friend into a great one. I've been spending a lot of time with her and was grateful for a good cry with her on Friday night. Her mom passed away within the last 5 years, and I finally got around to asking her if she wanted to let me in on that, but with all the stuff happening around the country, and how she's been personally affected, she told me "when the time is right". She said before September 11th, she could talk about it no problem, but now she's just too emotional, in general.

I need to go make a dinner for a member of the Newcomers Club that had surgery last week, so I'm off. Have a great week.


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