Tuesday, May 15, 2001

This is my blog and this is my rant about being a parent.....feel free to skip, but I need to get these things out of my head. Tonight there was a phone call I made to one of my son's classmate's parents. I blew up at her, she denied any wrongdoing by her son and I'm sick to my stomach. This woman and boy are not liked by many, due to the way she deals with people and her son's behaviors, but me, not being prejudice based on other's opinions, decided that I would just roll with the punches with my children and their friends. I understand kids don't get along and then they do, but then there are those who clash. We've had issues with this child since last year, but again, these kids were 5, then 6 and now 7, things couldn't be THAT serious. Boy, am I naive.

This latest bunch of nonsense stems from this child, B, calling my son names, punching him, harassing him and threatening him. My son sometimes does annoying things. He sometimes gets fed up with B calling him names and reacts, but never physically. All normal kid shit...... B annoys my son, but John has learned to ignore B, B gets ignored and gets more in Johnny's face.....Johnny retaliates and gets in trouble. B is in a special afterschool program to learn to deal with others better. I call mom of B and she saids, "well, with all that your child does, and what others say about him, you have to know that he is not well liked either.....but I am not gonna get into he said, she said, so I'll just tell the teacher and bus driver to keep them seperated". She didn't say, I'll talk to B and concentrate on him staying away from Johnny, or anything about B and Johnny. She made it into everyone vs. Johnny, B was innocent.

I also told her specific mean things he has said to Johnny, threatening to kill him or send him to the school that the troubled kids go to to get beat up, and she didn't even say one word about any of that......her response was always, well John annoys B too......Okay, I understand that, but when B annoys Johnny, he has learned to ignore him and walk away......Punching, threatening will NOT be tolerated, she did NOT address those issues. What things did John do to B, personally? She will not tell me......I wonder if there is anything??? My son and daughter say no, no calls from the school.....so what is he doing to B??? besides annoying him for WHATEVER reason.

We have talked to Johnny, many a time and told him to stop dancing around, but if the radio is on, on the bus, why can't he dance around (not up and about physically, but moving his little hiney in the chair, not distracting to the driver) His sister is on the bus, and given the chance, she'd tattle if he was bad......it's not like he's doing anything bad, just annoying to B.

What also gets me is that John tells on B, and the teacher says, "In one ear, out the other" fine, I understand, but when a problem is CONSTANTLY occuring.....can't something be done about that, or something said to B. How many 7yr. olds can just let something go on and on and on and ignore it constantly without the perpertrator(sp?) being told to stop it!

They are constantly on opposing teams and Johnny is an extremely good all-around athlete. Guess what, B doesn't like that, so given the chance he will constantly get in John's face, I've seen it first hand. Why should my son be subjected to someone always in his face and he (Johnny) gets reprimanded for retaliating, but B is just told to take a breath?

I guess what bothers me the most is that I was citing many things that I have seen first hand between our boys and she wouldn't give me one example of what Johnny was doing, only that she's heard stories of how John is.....

Okay...so, if you have no friends, which I am aware that maybe 2 of the parents of the children in class talk to her, where are you getting these *stories* from. I admit it, I'm in a semi-clique with 7 moms of the 10 boys in class. We have playdates constantly with the boys in class, 5 of us are on the same baseball team, and guess what, our boys NEVER have a problem. So all these stories are coming from where? All the hatred of Johnny is done by whom?

My child is NOT perfect. He does need to be put in line every so often. He doesn't have a bad/dirty mouth.....or at least doesn't use it all that often around here. He doesn't like to clean up after his younger brother, but would you??? He truly loves his brother, sister, parents, teacher, and friends. He tries to be diplomatic when others are fighting. He tells his sister and brother to Shut Up more than I would like, he sometimes can be a real geek while doing something (making goofy faces and dancing about like a goof), but so am I...... He's learned not to talk back so much, there are consequences to bad behavior...he's funny, a lot of parents enjoy watching him during the class parties, he gets invited to friend's houses often.

I know that the teacher has already decided that these boys will be seperated next year, to give them fresh starts away from each other. We will be seeing him at the Spring Luau on Friday night, and the Tiger Cub meeting Saturday night is at his house.....boy, I just CAN'T wait for that.....should be real fun

I love you Johnny!!! Mommy and Daddy only want the best for you!!!!


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