Saturday, May 12, 2001

Well, it seems everytime I come on here to update this thingamajig.....something stops me. I really don't have the time right now either, but I'll try, LOL. We've been VERY busy here, and I just looked at the calendar for next week and my goodness......where the heck did all my free time go.

Today, I have to buy ingredients for dessert for tomorrow, go to the cleaners, make cards for tomorrow, try to get to the town fair, and then we have a baseball game at 3.

Also, being that no one is gonna be home for more than 2 hours next week, LOL, I would like to totally straighten this place up, so when we are NOT home, it'll still remain tidy, hullo.......

I am excited about Monday. I joined a group in town that has an Equestrian interest group, so after 12 years of not being on a horse, I am going on a 1.5 hr trail ride, once a month!!!!!! There is babysitting available at another member's house, so I am SO psyched. Then on Wednesday, there is a new Gourmet cooking group, again with babysitting and we're making some awesome stuff to eat for lunch. The Spring Luau at school is Friday, along with Steffi's dance rehearsal for her recital, next Sunday.

I was also approached last night (while volunteering at Carnival Night), about being co-treasurer of the PTA, since I do want the *job* in two years. She figures, it might be nice to be transitioned in, and even if they don't approve it, she's gonna show me the ropes, unofficially. I signed up to chair the phone chain for next year as well, AND I have become a brownie leader for my daughter's troop........ that this is all in print, I'm scared, LOL.......

Well, have a great weekend, and a Happy Mother's Day!!!!!


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