Monday, May 14, 2001

So, I went on my monthly trail ride today, a top of Blaze, a mexican mixed horsey. I've never ridden a trail that was as steep as today's, nor covered with so many rocks....a beginner rider may have been a bit nervous, but as I am comfortable riding, I was fine. I could have done without the horse in front of me farting. THAT was the NASTIEST smell I ever did smell......OMG!!!! I can't wait until my June ride comes around......

We also toured a police station today, with the Daisy troop my daughter belongs too. Brought back a LOT of memories of when I dated a cop in my younger years.......I could say a lot of things about the police here, but it would be making a lot of generalizations and I wouldn't want to offend anyone who might have a significant other involved in that biz.....


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