Monday, January 19, 2004

Monday Madness

Found at Steph's

1. I often wake up before my alarm clock goes off. F...I don't use an alarm clock

2. I love to drive; in any kind of weather! F... I really dislike driving in the heavy rains.

3. I'd rather have to worry about staying warm than staying cool. F... As my husband says, you can always add clothing and such to stay's harder trying to stay cold.

4. I wish I lived in another state. F... not really, within an hour I can be in the mountains, down the shore, in Manhattan or the Poconos

5. Multi-tasking is what I do best! T... I always have a lot going on at the same time.

6. Flying is the only way to go! F... to go where? I like to drive too. A cruise to Canada was very enjoyable as well.

7. Budgeting my money is one of my downfalls. F... never really had money problems ever

8. I wish there was 8 days in the week! F ... things would still happen where we called the day Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Extraday, or whatever, LOL

9. I get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. T... I like sleep

10. I'm a night owl. T ... Hmmm..... I could be if I had to


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