Friday, November 01, 2002

I feel like I want to blog, then I get lazy......maybe I can start small and build up again.....and it's Friday, so no better day to start :-)

Friday Five

1. Were you raised in a particular religious faith? Yes, my parents were strict Catholics, and raised me that way

2. Do you still practice that faith? Why or why not? I rebelled as soon as I could (17 years old), cuz I was tired of going every week and being bored, and not listening, and basically people watching. Lied to my parents about going to church weekly while away at college, etc... Then I met my husband.....we went to church every so often together. Then as our relationship grew, and we got married, and had kids, we were finding ourselves going to church a little more and more all the time. We didn't use the excuse that we had little ones to keep us away from church. They have actually helped us grow in our faith, because, we are now trying to bring them up the same way we were raised.

I feel like we are not as strict as my parents, as we do have our lazy Sundays where we don't get to mass, and then we feel like shit for the rest of the day. We normally don't attend holy days of obligation, but we do try to do the fasting and abstinence during Lent.

Now, since my father died, I know that he was so dependent on his faith to get him through his illness and to the final reward of everlasting life, I've become a little stronger in my own faith.

3. What do you think happens after death? I believe that those deserving of Heaven are whisked away immediately after their death to live with God. I try not to think or speculate as to what happens to those who are not deserving.

4. What is your favorite religious ritual (participating in or just observing)? I'd have to say watching baptisms/1st Communions

5. Do you believe people are basically good? Yes


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