Friday, February 01, 2002


We went into the city on a bus that dropped us off at Port Authority. Great trip in, NO traffic. P.A. is on 8th and 41st, and we just had to walk 3 teeny block to 8th and 44th, where the theatre was. We got in at 12, and had to kill 2 hours, till curtain. Times Square was a block east of the theatre.

(watching Stephen King on The View.....he is going to be writing a Broadway play with John Mellencamp..WOOT!!!!......anyway, back to the recollection, LMAO)

After passing MTV, and checking out ABC's studios to see if there was any live noontime broadcasts happening...(we are SO touristy, aren't we, LOL. Seriously, we checked this stuff out from street level, we didn't enter these buildings, so it was cool, LOL)..we went into the new Toys R Us. It was neat, but wasn't *all that*. They had a four story ferris wheel inside, but that was all that made it different from a regular Toys R Us store. We walked further East on 44th to check out restaurants but nothing jumped out at us, and we *thought* we had plans for dinner, so we weren't too serious in looking for somewhere to eat. We went back into Times Square and decided to check out the WWF restaurant, LOL. It was sorta neat, no big deal, but we just wanted beer and appetizers. We sat at the bar and ordered two Killian's and ate the Appetizer Sampler (wings, tenders, onion rings and mozzarella stick). By the time we were finished there, we had 10 minutes until the doors opened, so we waited in front of the theatre. We saw a TON of police cars and vans go by, fully packed, probably heading to secure the areas that the World Economic Forum is being held at.

The show was WONDERFUL. Hearing All I Ask of You performed live, and in context was moving. We actually had 2nd row, not 3rd row seats, as they removed the first row for safety reasons, LOL. We had a chandelier come crashing down from the ceiling, and within a foot of our heads......we had our eyebrows singed from flames.....and we got to inhale dry ice, LOL. It was very cool though.

After the show, we called John's cousin who runs a club on the East Side, but they were closed. That was odd...... He called John today to let us know that they are closed until the World Economic Forum is over. They are located RIGHT at that area. That sucks for business, and more likely it sucked for us. LOL

We decided we weren't hungry, and were tired of walking around, and both had major headaches from this wench who applied a TON of perfume to herself throughout the show, so we decided to catch the bus back home.

Once off the humidity filled bus, we saw that there was a new Ruby Tuesday in the mall, so we went to eat there. Our experience there was less than satisfying, and I still wasn't hungry, really, so we packed up the remaining food and came home.

......and that is the rest of the story, LOL.


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