Sunday, August 05, 2001

So, on Friday, John decided midday that we would come down to his office, sign some papers I needed to, then head up to the NJ State/Sussex County fair. We had a blast up there with the petting zoos, rides, food, beer, and general fair atmosphere. The kids, however, were BUSHED from walking for 6 hours.

Saturday, a friend and I were to go hiking with the children; 6 kids, 2 moms. I asked her if they hiked a lot, and she said a bit, which was a bit more than I had. I also inquired if she ever met any bears, like I did while horseback riding. She said no. Okay, fine....... So, there we are to a halfway point to turn around before the 3 year olds totally poop out on us, and we are maybe 1000 yards for the lean-to/shelter on the Appalachian Trail where we were going to eat, when all of a sudden, we hear a lot of movement in the wildlife and see a HUGE mama bear crossing our path, not more than 30 feet from where our first 3 kids were walking. I look up the mountain and see at least one cub waiting for mom. We freeze. We wait about 3 minutes, which felt like 30, and made sure that the bear carried on it's merry way. When I felt it was safe, I loudly whispered, *let's move, forget the shelter, get to the parking lot* So, we go, bear does NOT follow us, thank God and we eat our nice picnic lunch in a parking lot, LOL. I guess I was a little more concerned because it was a mother bear, but I am very thankful that we all got out unscathed. I will have to say that I carried Tommy the rest of the hike and was very sweaty and out of breath (I think that was mostly due to the bears though, LOL)

We then head to a playground and the kids start playing reverse hide n seek for a bit (One person hides and as they find the person, they hide as well, and the last one to find the hiding spot is the next hider) After 10 minutes, we hear thunder, then the skies open up about 3 minutes after that, we race into our vans, say goodbye and come home.

I start posting online and a lightening strike knocks out the cable. Then about 10 minutes later from that, power is totally knocked out. Come to find out, from John, who was trapped in town, that lightening started a fire in an underground transformer.

He gets home, we wait a bit, head out to Mass, followed by Chinese food dinner, watched BB2 and headed off to bed.

Today, will be a relaxing off to make my coffee!!


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