Wednesday, March 06, 2002

We are off to a pediatric opthamologist tomorrow for Tommy. His doctor said he barely had 20/40 vision, and 20/30 is the acceptable level for 4 year olds. I am hoping that there isn't really a problem, and if there is we caught it in time. My mom, however, thinks he'll look adorable with specs, LOL.

Girl Scout cookies have come in and have gone to wait until Lent is over so that I might partake in our personal stash. I went to council today and picked up 8 different badges for the girls, so it looks like I'll be busy sewing at some point this weekend.

We also headed to my husband's uncle's house to check out a suit for Johnny for his 1st Communion. Matthew is 3 months older than John, but made his Communion last year. fits!! So, I might just give her $10 or $15 for saving me the hassle of buying one.


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