Friday, December 28, 2001

I'm debating whether I should just the leave the house in mild disorder until this weekend, when we probably undecorate or sorta get the things back in order. My kids have ZERO room for all they got for Christmas. It really is quite sickening. I would normally leave the tree up until next weekend 1/5 and 1/6 (Epiphany, when Christmas is really over), but my son's birthday is 1/7 and I just feel I need my house back to normal before that. Not sure what we are doing yet for him, but I do know that he is having a rollerskating party in mid January. I can't believe this guy is gonna be 8 years old.

We are going to a small party tonight, at a friends house, with 2 people that are so immature and annoying. These guys used to work with John, but left for a sweet deal at another brokerage. The brokerage house pays mid 6 figures sometimes to lure you to another company, and weasles leave to get that money, put their time in, and then come back to AG Edwards. John doesn't feel comfortable getting money that way, although these guys have stayed at the brokerage houses they left for. One of them is a dealer, one of them is this little weasle looking guy who is like 40 something, but tries to pick up young chicks at the gym.....HYSTERICAL and the other two couples, I can deal with. Should be interesting.....


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