Monday, October 29, 2001

I witnessed a very horrible scene today. I was getting my 6 month recheck on my mammogram (remember in April, I was diagnosed with Fibrocystic Condition). Anyway, a patient from inside the hospital came in for the appointment after me. After I was finished I came out to the waiting room to get my jacket and there was a doctor in there explaining how ovarian cancer could go undetected and it metastizing to the bones was not uncommon. OMG...they were telling in there, before she was getting her mammogram, and not privately somewhere. At least at Sloan Kettering, they brought us into a private conference room to give us the lowdown on my dad and we were aloud to cry in private and stay in this private room for a good hour or two.

My dad had a tube with a drain inserted to today, that goes from his liver, out of his chest and drains bile and other fluids into a bag. They did it under local anesthesia and my dad told my mom not to bother coming in tonight :-( They were presented with problems, of course, cuz this IS my dad they were working on. They might *refine* it tomorrow, and then go back in next week to insert a larger tube.....Is this worth it?? Is it causing him pain?? Isn't he just dying as it is?? Now, hopefully this will eliminate the fever and infections he was getting.....I thought the stomach operation was supposed to do that.......they are truly just assuming, testing and trying to repair as they go along... ::sigh::

I don't mean this to sound so final, cuz hell, he might have a year left in him, but he also could go at anytime, is up to him.


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