Saturday, June 02, 2001

Okay......I could be TOTALLY behind the times in this, but I've found out what the new fad is with my friends in town.

Background.....My children had Field Day at school on Friday, and I decided to volunteer some time running games. There was a bit of down time and a bunch of us starting gabbing. *K* says to *J*, "I rocked his world last night, and BOY, did he enjoy it". *J* says, "I rocked his world each night this week, (ROFL)". I give them this look, like, what the HELL are you talking about. They proceded to tell me what a wild experience they are giving their husbands, by now performing blowjobs, with mouthfuls of pop rocks, LMAO

I just might have to casually mention pop rocks in front of their husbands and see what kind of reactions I'll get. LOL


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